
Make 100 / Hidden Rooms and Secrets for 5e

Created by Dragon Scale Games

100 5e compatible battlemaps for hidden rooms to drop into your current campaigns along with loot, hooks & creature stat cards!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Gadzooks -- we have a tie for stretch goal #4 votes!
9 months ago – Mon, Jan 15, 2024 at 09:57:34 AM

In truly epic fashion we have two choices rising up above all the rest that want to go head to head in a sudden death voting match!

Here are the voting results as of 10 AM MST today:

Tied for first place -- Burglary Job and Pirate Ship Battle Scenario

We then have another tie for 3rd and 4th place with Solve the Murder at Ft. Gant and BBEG with lair (Tri-headed lightning sailfin).

Ice troll skirmish was the only definite placing, coming in last, but only one vote shy of tying with the two above it.

So, we have a new voting session to conduct, and we'll have two questions so please answer both. You can vote in the comments below, or use this google form here.

Which of the two options-- currently tied for first place-- would you rather see as stretch goal #4?

#1 - Burglary at the Silver Touch
#2 - Pirate ship battle scenario

Second Question: Given the fact we had a tie for first, should the losing option of this tie-breaker automatically become stretch goal #5? Yes or no?

Voting is open from now until 12 pm MST Wednesday January 17th.

May the best option win!

Voting for Stretch Goal #4
9 months ago – Sat, Jan 13, 2024 at 11:03:18 AM

We are less than $500 from unlocking stretch goal #3 -- Save the Turquloid -- so we want to go ahead and open up voting for stretch goal #4. As always, you can vote here in the comments, or you can use this google form. (Voting will close Monday 1/15 at 10 AM MST) The form asks you to confirm your email, but that's only so we can confirm no one is double-voting. These emails are not stored or used beyond that.

Here is the next set of options we are excited to present. The option with the most votes will become a stretch goal that, if unlocked, will be added to the back of the 100 Hidden Rooms manual for all backers that are receiving the manual as part of their reward tier.

  • #1 -- Burglary job -- Steal an enchanted necklace from The Silver Touch
  • #2 -- Quick Mystery -- Solve the murder at Ft. Gant
  • #3 -- Pirate ship battle scenario
  • #4 -- Ice troll skirmish
  • #5 -- BBEG with lair -- Hunt the Tri-headed lightning sailfin!

Again, please vote here in the comments, or you can use this google form. Voting will close Monday 1/15 at 10 AM MST. After that point we'll tally the results, post them in an update and then update the project page with the chosen stretch reward. 

Creator Spotlight

MIMIDUNGEON - The OpenLOCK Modular Dungeon Set with MIMICS!

Start a new dungeon for a few bucks, or improve any other OpenLOCK modular system!

This new project includes over 84 support-free STLs, allowing for easy printing and assembly. 

Welcome to MIMIDUNGEON - an innovative, OpenLOCK Modular Dungeon Set that's brimming with surprises, especially MIMICS!

This brand-new project is coming with more than 84 STLs (84 if we really don't get any stretch goal!) and are all support-free! Simply open your files and print directly without any hassles!

Bonus : Physical editions are now available with the cheapest option ever to build an entire modular dungeon!

Don't have a 3D printer or simply don't want to spend hours of printing to build your dungeon? They cover you with 3D Raccoon (half owned by Galandir's Pit), printing on top-tier Bambulab 3D printers with the best quality and precision, delivered directly to your doorstep!

Click below to learn more about the project:

PS: There is a secret free STL to find in their page!!


Progress updates and something you might enjoy.
9 months ago – Tue, Jan 09, 2024 at 03:01:59 PM

Hello everyone, just wanted to say we are about 30% done with the project as of right now between drafting the mechanics for the adventure, creating the maps, the creature cards, and we have also finished designing the map for stretch goal one. So we're definitely tracking right on time with where we wanted to be by now and we're excited to get this into your hands!

We're only about $1,125 shy from unlocking the next stretch goal too, so I'm thinking we'll reach that soon! :)

Also, in addition to trying to make the best content we can, we also spend some time trying to scour KS for really good projects that you might enjoy and haven't heard of yet.

I have one for you today that you might really enjoy!

Land of Mist, by Joseph Quinn. 

Great artwork and content here to enjoy, definitely recommend checking it out. As of now there are only a couple days left to pledge on Land of the Mist, so don't snooze on it!

What is Land of Mist?

Land of Mist is a campaign setting and third party supplement for use with the role-playing game Old-School Essentials (OSE). Inspired by classic tabletop RPG fantasy worlds, it is a whimsical realm infused with magic and mystery.

Contained within the Book

  • A Unique Campaign World
  • 9 Character Classes
  • 7 Character Races
  • Options to play Enlightened Monsters, Hedgewitch Spell Casters, and Lycanthropes
  • Procedures for Underwater Adventuring, alternative Domain Management rules and an accompanying Mass Combat system
  • Rules for Dragon Riding and seeking the path to Immortality
  • Spell casting via Runes and summoning of Animals via Totems
  • Protocols for designing Artifacts
  • 28 new spells, 30+ new monsters, adventure seeds, NPCs and more!

Stretch Goal #3 Voting Results!
9 months ago – Sun, Jan 07, 2024 at 04:42:09 PM

Thanks everyone for making your voices heard -- it's really fun to see what gets you all excited!

The results are in. Stretch goal #3 will officially be Save the Turquloid. Once unlocked, this will come complete with battle map, requisite stat cards, and the scenario for freeing the caged turquloid from the roaming carnival led by the gnomes Harpset and Frieg.

The other options ranked as follows:

second place: Murder at Ft. Gant

third/fourth place (a tie): Burglary at the Silver Touch and Ice Troll Hunt 

fifth place: Pirate Ship battle

As we get a little closer to unlocking stretch goal #3, we'll put together another batch of scenarios for you all to choose from. If you wouldn't mind sharing this campaign with your friends who might also like it, and help us reach that unlock mark a bit faster, I would greatly appreciate it.

Also, I found another project this week that I think you all might like. If you’re a roleplaying game referee — whether you call yourself GM, DM, Labyrinth Lord, Crypt Keeper, Storyteller, or whatever — you need resources. You need ready-made stuff for when the players ask what's over the next hill. Okay, there's a village. Who lives there? What's for sale? Is there a place to sleep? What’s the beer like?

That's what Legendary Locations is all about!

You get more than 100 pages of locations — from villages to inns & taverns to religious houses — populated by dozens of NPCs and factions. Each comes with a map, rumors, adventure ideas, and entertaining descriptions.

Put Legendary Locations in your GM tool kit!